# mklivecd hoge.iso
# remasterme
Builds a LiveCD from an existing PCLinuxOS installation
The mklivecd tools are dedicated to providing you with the capability tocreate your own LiveCD or LiveDVD from a currently installed PCLOS distribution.
It can be used to create your own travelling PCLinuxOS-based LiveCD, specialised
LiveCD featuring custom-developed applications or to put together a demo disk
to show off the power of our favourite OS. The possibilities are endless!
Created CD's feature automatic hardware detection and setup. In addition, it
utilises compression technology allowing you to build a LiveCD from a partition
much larger than will typically fit on a CD or DVD.(Up to 2GB for a normal 650MB CD
or around 10GB for a normal 4GB DVD) When booting from this LiveCD, the data is
transparently decompressed as needed with almost no performance impact.
# mklivecd new.iso
mklivecd, version 0.6.0-20070511, http://livecd.berlios.de/
Copyright (C) 2002-2004, Jaco Greeff <jaco@puxedo.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Creating initrd: [100.00% 00:00:14/00:00:14]
Setting filesystem parameters: [100.00% 00:04:47/00:04:47]
Creating compressed image: [100.00% 00:13:49/00:13:49]
Creating isolinux boot: [100.00% 00:00:02/00:00:02]
Creating final iso: [100.00% 00:01:08/00:01:08]
Created 'new.iso' (711,186,432 bytes) in 00:20:12
Remasters: the list he list of known PCLinuxOS remasters.
公式リリース (Official)
2006-04-21 Development Release: PCLinuxOS 0.93 "MiniME"
http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=03380pclinuxos-p93-minime.iso (287MB, MD5).
ftp://ftp.uwsg.indiana.edu/linux/pclinuxos/pclinuxos/live-cd/english/preview/APT sources.list
#PCLINUXOS apt repository
rpm http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/texstar/pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar 93
その他代表的なもの (Notable)
PCLinuxOS から派生したリマスターCDは多数ありますが、実際に運用する向きには比較的最近リリースされたリマスターを選択する必要があります。というのは、公式な パッケージのメンテナンスが /2004 と /2007 の2系統のリポジトリ(セクション)に限られているからです。 2004系のリポジトリを利用するリマスターは、公式サイトの情報を参照して2007系のリポジトリへ移行するためのアップグレードが必要です。